Oral Fluid Testing in

Law Enforcement

Oral fluid testing provides a quick, non-invasive way to detect drug-impaired driving, delivering instant results and preserving evidence. Trusted worldwide, it’s a reliable tool for law enforcement.

Drug Dog® Ensures Easy and Private Roadside Testing

Simple, non-invasive oral fluid collection on the roadside. Protects privacy while ensuring reliable and untampered results.

Drug Dog® Speeds Up Tests at Busy Locations

Test multiple people at the same time. Speeds up inspections in crowded areas, saving time and effort.

Drug Dog® Detects Multiple Substances at Once

Can screen for five substances in one test. Prevents missed detection, ensuring safer roads.

Drug Dog® is a Compact Design for Roadside Testing

Lightweight and portable device for anywhere use. Perfect for roadside checks or tight spaces.

Drug Dog® Provides On-site Results for Immediate Action

Provides accurate results in just five minutes. Allows officers to make quick and informed decisions on the spot.

Join our SmarTest Oral Fluid Drug Screening Pilot Program and try Drug Dog® for free!​

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